
Adult & Geriatric Evaluation

Weekly Individual Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Sessions:

Geriatric Neuropsychological Evaluations identify a patient’s capacity for independent living, driving, and returning to school or work.  In children, neuropsychological testing is helpful in diagnosing developmental disorders, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders.  We provide brief, comprehensive memory and cognitive assessment and treatment recommendations for known or suspected neurologic or neuropsychiatric disorders, such as memory disorders, dementia, traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, and neurocognitive and behavioral impairments resulting from physical illness.  We also help differentiate between memory disorder and other issues that can mimic dementia, like medication effects or emotional factors.

These types of evaluations can:

  • Assist treatment providers in making decisions about what level of housing a resident might require

  • Guide activity planning

  • Provide information to help referring providers and families understand patient’s status

Neuropsychological evaluation can also be used to monitor a patient’s functioning so that any improvement or decline is quickly identified and used to make changes to patient care.

We specialize in neuropsychological assessments for:

  • Movement Disorders

  • Memory Impairment

  • Seizure Disorders

  • Substance/Alcohol Abuse

  • Stroke

  • Dementia

Information is based on the materials developed by the Public Interest Advisory Committee, Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology), American Psychological Association